July 13, 2010

The Man on the Moon!

Dear Mr. Squiggle,

I'd just like to start this letter off by telling you that I am a huge fan! It's been a while since you were on t.v and now that I am older, wiser (?) and more articulate than my four-year-old-self, I decided to ask you the questions that have always tickled my innocent curiosity.

Firstly, how did you come to have a pencil as your nose? I always thought that maybe, when you were a kid you just shoved too many pencils up your nose and eventually it became a pencil. Although I'm sure my four-year-old theories are far from accurate.

Secondly, didn't Blackboard just piss you off? I mean who is he to tell you to hurry up? Everyone knows you can't rush art, art takes time. And you're an artistic mastermind, you need to take your time. Besides you were the star of the show, I bet he was just jealous.

I was going to ask you what it's like living on the Moon, but I already know that it's would be totally awesome. Right? Any way last question I want to ask is, why did you stop visiting Earth to draw squiggles? My 11-year-old self was devastated when you stopped visiting. Actually, I still haven't gotten over it. Well what ever your reason was, I'm sure it was a good one.

Lastly, I just want to say thank you Mr Squiggle for entertaining me and sparking up the creative side of my brain. For a strange man with a pencil for a nose, you're alright. I don't care what Blackboard says.

Yours Sincerely
Devoted Fan

Here is a photo of us, enjoy!

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