June 30, 2010

Nice Guys Finish Last.

Dear Blog Readers, or probably more accurately... Reader.

I regret to inform you that this blog is going to be on the serious side. There is something, that I need to put out there in a wider scale than my friendship group.

I've just very recently learnt that nice people really do finish last. Trying to do right by people and being a good person rarely seems to pay off. But knowing this doesn't make me want to change my ways. I find it too hard and too much effort to be mean, deceptive or bitchy. And I believe that if you are a good person, things will eventually work out in your favour. Now, for me I guess it's just a matter of the waiting game.

I also believe that those who fuck their way through life to get what they want, will get their own back. Most of the time, those people end up screwing them selves over. And losing what they endeavoured for in the first place. It's pretty much like the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare. The Hare was so confident and deceptive, that he lost to the tortoise. The nice guy won, but he had to be patient.

I'm glad I am the way I am. I might get screwed over by other people, but at least I know that I am a better than any mean people out there. And I believe in Karma.

End of serious blog.

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