June 30, 2010

Reasons You Will Hate Me.

Over the years, I've done some questionable things. But doesn't that go without saying? Everyone has something that has put their morals up for discussion at least once? For me well, I've taken drugs, killed people and said the word "nigger". Alcohol and coffee counts as drugs okay! And I've mercilessly killed my friends during Call of Duty battles (like two whole times!) But that's not important. My point is that there are reasons to hate anybody. And I figure that if I list my faults for all to see, people can make an informed decision when deciding weather to be my friend or not...

  • I love to annoy... I really do. When someone tells me that I'm being annoying, it's fuel for my fire. I will work harder to annoy. Some may call this a personality flaw, or just plain sadistic. But hey, this entry is titled "Reasons you Will Hate me."

  • I'm aware of how awesome I am... It's not because I have an over-sized ego, people have told me I'm pretty good. And when you are told something a lot, you start to really believe it. So what am I going to do, reject a compliment?

  • I am completely neurotic... If you don't reply to my text or call me back, I will automatically assume you hate me. As a result I will probably make you hate me in the process of being a neurotic nut bag.

  • I've been called a "Grammar Nazi"... If I notice a grammatical error on your part I will correct you. No, I don't know how irritating it is to be corrected, but try to imagine how irritating it is for me to have to endure hearing the English language being butchered. I may never go to England, but I still thinks it's important to speak English properly.
    I'm sarcastic... Yes, yes I have been told it's the lowest form of humor, but my Comedy teacher told me that there is no hierarchy in comedy. So suck it! I'll be a sarcastic bitch 'till the day I die.

    So other than all of the above, I'm pretty rad. Opps, there I go again.

Nice Guys Finish Last.

Dear Blog Readers, or probably more accurately... Reader.

I regret to inform you that this blog is going to be on the serious side. There is something, that I need to put out there in a wider scale than my friendship group.

I've just very recently learnt that nice people really do finish last. Trying to do right by people and being a good person rarely seems to pay off. But knowing this doesn't make me want to change my ways. I find it too hard and too much effort to be mean, deceptive or bitchy. And I believe that if you are a good person, things will eventually work out in your favour. Now, for me I guess it's just a matter of the waiting game.

I also believe that those who fuck their way through life to get what they want, will get their own back. Most of the time, those people end up screwing them selves over. And losing what they endeavoured for in the first place. It's pretty much like the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare. The Hare was so confident and deceptive, that he lost to the tortoise. The nice guy won, but he had to be patient.

I'm glad I am the way I am. I might get screwed over by other people, but at least I know that I am a better than any mean people out there. And I believe in Karma.

End of serious blog.

The Only Okay Things in Life.

It's said that the best things in life are free. I agree with that. But something I also agree with is that the best things in life can be bought, but they are a lesser quality.

For example, some people argue that you cannot buy love. It's true that you can't buy true love. But an hours lovin' from a woman named Trixie can be bought. Of course, the love will only last an hour, (unless you pay more) there will be no canoodling afterward and there will be a high risk of catching Herpes. But that love can be bought.

Money can't buy friendship. Actually money can't buy you real, true, honest, friendship. But if you're the kind of person who doesn't care about BFFs and all that jazz, then you can defiantly buy friends. These people will only be around when you offer to pay for their movie ticket or shout them a few beers. And when there is even a hint of your funds running low, these "friends" will be gone faster than you can blink. But you will still have some company for a while.

Many people will argue that you cannot buy the miracle of childbirth. Well these people just haven't heard of adoption have they? Aspiring parents can pay thousands of dollars, to adopt a child. Most of the time, the kid wont even look you. And some day, the kid will endeavour to find its "real" parents, forgetting all the years of love and encouragement you gave it. Okay that was kind of harsh, but you get my point.

So there you go, the best things in life are in fact free, but we mustn't confuse the best things in life with the only okay things in life. The only okay things are not free!