August 2, 2010

The Snozberries taste like Snozberries.

Many people dream of living in a mansion, or some sort of island paradise. But mansions and island paradises are overrated. They get boring after a while. I want to live in the Wonka factory. Living there would be so amazing and so much fun. Every day would be an adventure.

There is that awesome room, where everything is made of candy. Everything is edible! I would skip around all day, eating candy. And because of some magical Wonka factory magic, that I am unable to explain, I would never, ever get fat! Amazing!

I would never be alone in the Wonka factory. The Oompa Lumpas live there! They would do all my chores for me, I'd never have to do the dishes again! I'd have so much fun with those little orange men, singing songs and chillin' together.

My bedroom, would be on a house boat that floats around on the chocolate river. After a hard day of adventure and amazement, I would go and chill out on the chocolate river boat. As long as I don't fall overboard, into the river, I'd be totally sweet there. Even if I did fall into the river, my Oompa Lumpa buddies would help me out.

There is something fun around every, single corner in the Wonka Factory. If I drink Fizzy Lifting Drink, I can float around with bubbles and do flips and stuff! I'd have to go through a magic door if I wanted to get any where annnnd I would be able to lick the walls with out people thinking I'm either really weird or on drugs. Plus I'd finally get to find out what snozberries would taste like.

If I ever wanted my friends to come over, I'd go and pick them up in my Wonkavator. It can go up or down, sideways, slantways, squareways, any way I want it to go. It can go any where, as long as I don't push the red button. I don't know why, but I suspect this button takes you to Jupiter. Actually, that reminds me... *Note to self: Buy some space gear, so I can go to Jupiter. He's pretty cool, he has a ring around him*

1 comment:

  1. Nice!!! I love it... But umm...

    Saturn has the ring... jupiter doesn't

    Yours sincerely,

    Joshua Silverfairy xD
